Dear Diaries,
I know we’ve been together for a long time
for a long years had past
our memories and our life history
will U realized it..
how can I forget U while U were half of my life?
Dear Diaries,
I know U’re far away from me
I do realized that I can’t always stay beside U
But we’d promised to understand
even though we’re apart
our heart still close together
always one in our dreams and pray
always hope to be together till the end
Dear Diaries,
But it was before..
before U know that times can change our life
U always hope that I’ll never leave U
Yes! I do promise U that I’ll never leave U
always stay wherever U needed
always keeping U in my heart
anything will do for Ur happiness…
Dear Diaries,
All of this because I always loves U
to seeing U smile
but today…
do I still loves U, my friend?
after for what U’ve done to me
or do I still become someone precious in Ur heart?
when U’re in a wonderful way…
Dear Diaries,
Maybe I’ve change
when I can’t stay as I used to do
maybe I also have changed
when I can stand alone without U
I know..
U used to become my courage, my support..
but its all just memories now
Dear Diaries,
Forgive me if I was changed
I still love and remember about U
I always hope that I used to know U as before
I’m aggrieve because of U
I could not afford to hurt myself again
I’m sorry..
if I had to hurt Ur heart
Dear Diaries,
Maybe that’s enough for me to hurt myself
to feeling frustrated all the time
I never ask how’s Ur feeling to me
but still keep in Ur heart and mind
I’ll always love U like I promise U before
and I’ll never forget U as U’re part of my life
Forgive me for hurting Ur heart…
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